Monday, 28 February 2011

Knit, knit....unpick, unpick!!!

My patience is at breaking point....try as I might I cannot follow a simple pattern! Ask me to knit an art piece using a photograph I can interpret that really well. I have spent so many hours on this silly scarf project that I am in danger of stabbing myself with the needles! I have only completed around 9"....4 rows knitted, 3 rows unpicked. Its not even for me.....I am making it as a gift, but I think it would of been allot easier to visit a store....choose, pay, wrap.....sorted!

A lovely group of ladies come to my home every 2 weeks.... supposedly to knit, but the hours are spent mainly chatting and eating cake, all washed down with a cuppa. Knitting does get done, but there are often cries of varied expletives which indicate an unpick session! Each time I hear needles bashed down on the table in frustration I know I am not alone....Bizarrely it  proves I am not the only one that suffers knit, knit, unpick, unpick syndrome......

Oh by the way we call our group 'Nutty Knitters', you dont have to be nutty, or knit but it helps. Its lovely to see new friendships form, wonderful creations eventually appear on the needles, and of course it allows us all some well deserved me time :-)

You know knitting is supposed to be therapeutic and help with stress and depression. It helps concentration and should make for smiles....mmmmmmmm If I ditch the pattern and do my own thing maybe I will reap the benefits.

Here is the pattern I have been painstakingly trying to follow, I am sure many of you will be able to follow a series of stitches. Me well I start off well, then loose count, go off into the world of Maxine....then it all goes pear shaped.

This pattern is one from a lovely shop nearby to me. The Knitting Hut. The staff are welcoming and of course the yarns are scrummy. Believe me when I say 'you will be tempted'..

Here is a link to the shop   Happy Monday to you all xxx

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