Hello everyone and a very Happy Sunday to you x
I think the above picture was taken after a couple of glasses of bubbly....wide eyed stare....scary! Yesterday 4 of us attended Ascot for the valentines meet.
The food was scrummy, a whole warm Camembert cheese in its box....and I mean a whole one, around 8inches diameter, served with rustic breads, pickles and roast garlic.....yummmmm but as much as I adore cheese I am most defiantly cheesed out!
Here is a copy of the rest of the menu for you to peep at....mmmmmmm you know by the time we had finished I vowed I would never eat again...Guess what? Right now I have a roast dinner cooking away in the oven and I am looking forward to tucking in.....hey ho!
The restaurant was dressed up with roses, heart shape balloons and beautiful displays of flowers... the weather was grey and drizzly, so this splash of colour certainly brightened up the day and made for smiles :-)
My methods for choosing a potential winner are probably why I have no success. I generally go for a name that means something to me..something connected with my creative writing or my sketchbooks. The colours the jockeys wear are another deciding factor...so generally a horse with a name like 'Sunflower Fields', or 'Fairy Rings' will catch my attention,then my favourite colours, pink, purple or cyan blue will help me make my decision.
Is this a woman thing? Someone let me know, but tips in the programme and Racing Times tend to go over my head! Besides I miss out on valuable people watching time and general nosiness!
I have captured some of the characters in some sketches and written snippets of conversation. These observations will go into my work at some stage......watch this space.
I had a fab day....but when I got home it was lovely to kick off my heels and rest my feet. I love shoes, but wearing heels causes me some difficulties, all dressed up, I put one foot in front of another....and....I walk like a man dressed up as a woman. So I have to really concentrate on my steps, especially if I have to walk over grass, last summer at Ascot, in the Royal Enclosure, my heel sunk into he grass, but I carried on the motion of walking....and ended up flat on my face, and in front of the royal party too!
But like many ladies I suffer all the indignities as a posh frock worn with your favourite flatties does not complete the right look. its even worse on a windy day, trying to stop your hat flying off, remembering to walk carefully, holding a handbag, whilst sipping from a champagne flute and trying to eat canapés without dropping crumbs. Men....you have it easy....a morning suit, flat shoes and free hands which enable you to knock back the fizzy, and eat the offerings without making an ass of yourself!
You find you have spent weeks looking for that unique dress, that has to comply with Ascot rules, No higher than 2" above he knee, no string straps, they have to be at least 1 1/2" wide, no garish jewellery (so my Accessorise collection stay firmly in the drawer) Heels, and a hat. Off you totter on those heels, champagne and nibbles in hand, trying to look sophisticated, as you look around the room you spot another wearing an identical dress.....The shame of it all, now you have to spend the rest of the day, not only trying to stay upright, but try to blend in with the flower displays, and hope no one notices.You know what? she looks fabulous in her outfit, it fits like a second skin, she has not needed the push you up, pull you in underwear, ( mine took me half an hour to get on, and by lunch I start feeling like a value chicken wrapped up in shrink wrap).....Her spray tan is perfect, mine is out of a bottle and streaky.....wrinkle free skin, no spots (they would not dare erupt during the social season) perfect straight white teeth....I bet she is all botox and veneers.....life's a bitch....what's that Maxine, nasty thoughts directed at her, well yes, I bet she's a bitch....grrrrrr
Anyway I'm off now to plan the next outfit....he he x
Some ideas for..... canapés.... remember to wear high heels and sip Champagne whilst nibbling them! Just wear your flats for the baking.....
Sounds my idea of 'hell' - although I have enjoyed a day at the races with the hobble-de-hoy - and you're right, betting from the heart just does not work - I lost on every race!