Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Dreams and Driftwood

I seem to of been in hibernation for a bit, creativity has eluded me these past few weeks, but once again I have bounced back for a while anyway!! The picture of distant boats on the sea at Aberdeen reminded me of my Paper Boats, setting them to sail and hoping they reach their destination.Words written oh so carefully on  paper, of secrets hopes and dreams, then carefully folding the paper into a little boat, and letting it free on the waves, along with its spell, watching it drift away on its own, finding its path and enjoying the adventure, a bit like me really, seeking out a new journey, new dreams to reach for. 
I know I am not the only person who sends dreams across the ocean....I have a friend who on finding driftwood, sends it back on its journey after whispering a few quiet words. I wonder if their hopes and dreams are similar to mine.. maybe.. I shall never know. But its a bit like a child crossing their fingers for never know what may come back :)

 I picked up some driftwood on the beach in Aberdeen and unlike my friend I brought them home to capture their colours and textures in pencil. I wonder what stories these sea washed branches can tell? Adventures from all over, stopping here and there for a moment... or longer, someone walking on by and throwing them back, or a dog picking them up taking them to their owner for a game of fetch. Children decorating sandcastles, or playing games of dragons and knights in armour, with the branches becoming swords, or people like me stopping to admire their rugged beauty and wonder......making up fanciful stories....
You know I do believe paper boats come home, and driftwood keeps its words of dreams inside resting one day on the beach....and like the boats when they are discovered by the right recipient the words are shared..... Who knows...Dreams can come true....
Well hugs 4 smiles, and I hope your dreams come true as well xxx

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