Friday, 27 May 2011

A nice cup of tea and a piece of cake

Hello and a happy weekend to you :) I have just sat down with a cuppa, no cake today though as I am trying to loose those extra kilos that I gained at the weekend. Last weekend saw us in Aberdeen, to celebrate  my daughters birthday, and a nice time was had by all. We will be taking the long trip twice more in the next few weeks, one to help move her from her apartment, then another to celebrate her graduation. And in typical Maxine fashion I will bake cakes for each event! My two favourite things....baking for friends and family and a trip to the seaside...Both these activities level me out. There is something inside of me that just loves seeing people enjoying a table of plenty, its the Jewish in me I think! The waistlines in this house are protesting, but still I continue to bake.
Once a year my passion for baking is really challenged. We invite friends to join us in a 'nice cup of tea and a piece of cake' afternoon. Well pieces of cake actually, lots of pieces, and more to take home. Its lovely to see people enjoying this simple enjoyable feast, chit chatting and making new friends.
I am always on the lookout for new recipes, so if you have a special favourite you would like to share with me that would be brilliant! Maybe start a recipe swap....that would be fun and a good way of meeting like minded friends :) and hopefully to make and bake favourite cakes and bakes from around the world!
So look out you Nutty Knitters I could be baking a scrummy new bake next week for you to enjoy over a cuppa and a chat. Oh for those of you who don't know, Nutty Knitters are a group of ladies,(but men are welcome to come along) who meet up every 2 weeks to knit, chat and sip tea................ oh and most importantly eat cake around my kitchen table!
Try this all in one recipe below....its my favourite right now, and as our crop of strawberries has already ripened it makes this a perfect summer cake!
All in one sponge cake.
I use this recipe all the time and it rarely fails. You can change the flavours by adding lemons, oranges, or cocoa  powder, coffee, chocolate chips whatever takes your fancy really.
If you want to make chocolate sponge cake replace an ounce of the flour with an ounce of cocoa 
8oz flour, 8oz caster sugar
4 eggs, 8oz butter, 1tsp baking powder
Pre heat oven to gas mark 4 or 180 degrees.  Grease and line two 7 inch, deep sponge tins.  If using a food mixer put all ingredients into processor bowl and mix until the mixture is smooth.  If mixing by hand ensure mixture is thoroughly beaten (better results will be achieved by creaming together the butter and sugar first).  Divide mixture between the tins and bake in the centre of the oven for approximately 20 - 25 mins or until sponge is risen in the centre and golden.  Allow the sponges to cool for a few minutes in the tins and then turn out onto wire cooling racks to finish off.  Put the sponges together with the filling of your choice, I favour the traditional fresh whipped cream and strawberry jam filling then topped with cream and fresh strawberries......Bake Eat and Enjoy
' You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me' C S Lewis
'Talk and tea is his speciality'' said Giles. 'Come along inside... We'll see if tea and buns can make the world a better place.' The Wind in the Willows


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